All newly hired full-time and part-time benefited employees are eligible for health insurance administered through the Group Insurance Commission and which provides coverage to the employee, spouse and dependent children (up to age 26 years). There are 8 health plans in which to choose and availability of the plans in based on place of residence.
Effective July 1, 2024, new hires are eligible for health insurance coverage on the first of the month if hire date is the first of the month. Otherwise, health insurance coverage is effective on the first day of the next month.
During the first few days of employment, new hires will receive a registration email from the GIC. Once registered, new hires can elect their GIC benefits which include health insurance, life insurance and long-term disability. The University recommends registering on the GIC benefits portal even if not electing any GIC benefits. At a later time, if GIC benefits are needed, being already registered will make the process easier.
NOTE: New hires must elect the basic life insurance of $5,000 in order to enroll in health insurance. The basic life insurance premium is minimal (currently $1.59 per month).
New hires must enroll during the first 21 days of employment and are encouraged to make their elections as soon as possible after hire date to avoid at-home billing of premiums since GIC benefit premiums are paid one month in advance.
Employees registered on the GIC benefits portal will be able to view their benefits online, update personal and beneficiary information, make election changes during annual open enrollment or if/when they have experience a qualifying event.
Newly hired employees pay 25% of the full monthly premium. The University pays the remaining 75% of the full monthly premium.
Changes to health insurance plans may be made during annual enrollment in April-May each year with an effective date of July 1. There are other qualifying events (i.e. birth/adoption of a child, marriage, divorce, loss of spouse's benefits, etc.) that allow for enrollment in health insurance plans outside of the annual open enrollment period. Please contact the Benefits Office for more information.
State Employee Health Insurance and Benefits Rates
Related Documents
Dental insurance is available to all non-unit benefited employees, their spouse and dependents up to age 26. For new hires, coverage is effective on hire date if hire date is first of the month. Otherwise, coverage is effective on the first day of the next month. The premiums are as follows:
- $22.80/month for individual coverage ($11.40 per paycheck taken twice per month)
- $45.60/month for family coverage ($22.80 per paycheck taken twice per month)
If you do not enroll in dental insurance as a new hire, you may do so during open enrollment in the fall of each year or if you experience a qualifying event, typically loss of coverage through a spouse or being removed from a parent's plan due to turning 26 years of age.
If you experience a qualifying event during the course of the year, please complete the Dental Enrollment/Change Form and email it to
The dental insurance is provided through a group policy issued to the BHE Non-Unit Health and Welfare Fund by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife). Group Number is 105385. For more information, go to the Health Plans Inc. website or call Health Plans, Inc. at 877-906-5939.
Forms and Additional Information
- Summary of Dental Benefits
- Enhancements to Dental Plan Effective March 1, 2025
- Dental Expense Claim Form
- MetLife Legal Plan Overview
- MetLife Pet Insurance Overview
- MetLife Vision Access Program
Dental Network
You may go to any dentist, however, you will save money on out-of-pocket dental costs by using a participating in-network dentist. To find an in-network dentist, please visit the MetLife Website, (enter company name: DHE Non-Unit).
Paperless Delivery of MetLife Dental Documents
The non-unit dental plan also provides access to the MetLife Legal Plan at no additional cost to enrolled employees.
There is also an additional option to enroll in MetLife Pet Insurance as an employee-paid benefit. If enrolled, you will pay MetLife directly. This benefit will not be payroll-deducted.
The non-unit dental plan also provides access to the MetLife VisionAccess Program which provides a discount on eye exams, lenses, frames and prescription sunglasses.
Additional information on these benefits can be found in the links under Forms and Additional Information section above.
Basic Life Insurance
All health insurance plans include $5,000 of basic life insurance. Coverage is also available to employees that do not wish to enroll in a health insurance plan. This term life and AD&D (accidental death and dismemberment) policy is provided at a cost of $1.59 per month.
Optional Life Insurance
Employees may also purchase optional life insurance in amounts up to 8 (eight) times their annual base salary. New hires may enroll in optional life insurance without proof of good health within 21 calendar days from their date of hire. Late enrollment is dependent on proof of good health.
Active Employee Age | Non-Smoker | Smoker |
Under 35 | $0.04 | $0.10 |
35-44 | $0.05 | $0.12 |
45-49 | $0.06 | $0.19 |
50-54 | $0.13 | $0.31 |
55-59 | $0.20 | $0.49 |
60-64 | $0.29 | $0.73 |
65-69 | $0.67 | $1.37 |
70 and over | $1.13 | $2.49 |
The GIC (Group Insurance Commission) sponsors a pre-tax benefit program that includes two tax-saving reimbursement accounts. The Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) and the Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) allow you to set aside pre-tax money from your paycheck to be used for certain health care and dependent care expenses.
Through the GIC's HCSA (Health Care Spending Account), administered by TASC, active employees can pay for eligible health care expenses on a pre-tax basis. Examples of qualified HCSA expenses include co-pays for physician office visits, prescription drug copayments, medical deductibles and co-insurance. For Fiscal Year 2025, HCSA participants can contribute from $250 to a maximum of $3,200 through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis. Eligibility for HCSA is effective on hire date if hire date is the first of the month. Otherwise, eligibility is effective on the first of the following month.
The DCAP (Dependent Care Assistance Program), also administered by TASC, allows active employees to pay for qualified dependent care expenses for children up to age 13 and/or an adult dependent - including day care, after-school programs, elder day care, and day camp - on a pretax basis. New hires are eligible to enroll in DCAP effective on hire date. For Fiscal Year 2025, DCAP participants can contribute from $250 to a maximum of $5,000 (or $2,500 if married and filing jointly) through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis. A mid-year enrollment in DCAP allows for a pro-rated election of $192.30 per pay period for the balance of the plan year.
New hires may enroll in the flexible spending accounts during the first 21 days of employment by going to the TASC website and completing the online enrollment form. New enrollees will receive a debit card in the mail from TASC after their enrollment is established. The debit card may be used for either HCSA or DCAP expenses. Enrollment in either the HCSA or DCAP (or both) requires a $1.00/month administration fee.
Full and part-time employees are eligible to purchase long-term disability insurance, offered by MetLife. Under this policy, if you are disabled for more than 90 days and your claim is approved, you will receive 55% of your basic monthly salary (tax free) up to a maximum benefit of $10,000 per month. Benefits are reduced by other income sources, such as Social Security disability, Workers' Compensation, accumulated sick leave and retirement benefits, but the benefit will be at least $100 or 10% of your gross monthly benefit amount, whichever is greater.
Premiums are based on your age and current salary and the premium will be adjusted as your age and salary increase.
Information about Long Term Disability.
Contact MetLife at 877-355-6277 or go to
Active Employee Age | Employee Premium (Per $100 of Monthly Earnings) |
Under Age 24 | $0.06 |
25-29 | $0.07 |
30-34 | $0.11 |
35-39 | $0.13 |
40-44 | $0.30 |
45-49 | $0.40 |
50-54 | $0.48 |
55-59 | $0.60 |
60-64 | $0.58 |
65-69 | $0.33 |
70 and over | $0.20 |
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Human Resources Division - Workers' Compensation Section is the worker's compensation insurer for all state employees. Eligibility for coverage begins immediately upon your employment with the University.
All work-related injuries, serious or otherwise, must be reported to your immediate supervisor and to Human Resources on the day they occur. The supervisor arranges for any immediate medical attention required. Within 48 hours of the injury, you and your supervisor must complete, sign and forward the Notice of Injury Report to Human Resources.
Workers' Compensation insurance pays for medical expenses associated with job-related injuries and may also provide a weekly income if you are unable to work due to such an injury for five (5) days or more. If you are out of work for more than five (5) calendar days, your supervisor must notify Human Resources so they can complete and submit to Human Resources Form 101, Employer's First Report of Injury or Fatality.
The Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) is the agency responsible for administering the workers' compensation law in Massachusetts. For more information regarding Workers' Compensation, please visit the Department of Industrial Accidents website.
Forms and Documentation
- Notice of Injury Report
- Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Guide for Injured Workers
- Worker's Compensation FAQ
Please return all forms to:
UMass President's Office, 50 Washington Street, Suite 3000, Westborough, MA 01581
ATTN: Katie Temple/Human Resources
Email: or
ComPsych is a provider of GuidanceResource services. Your GuidanceResources benefits will give you and your dependents confidential support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues. These services are provided at no charge to employees of the President's Office.
Dealing with stress; preparing for retirement; finding a balance between your work and personal life. Sometimes it's the small things that are the most important-and the hardest to accomplish. If you could use help, information, or just a little encouragement, the ComPsych program can give you the support you need. Whether you're coping with a family problem or personal issue, trying to get out of debt, or just dealing with life's everyday ups and downs. ComPsych can help you and your family with a wide range of issues, including:
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- Work-Life Solutions
- Legal Support
- Financial Information
- GuidanceResources Online
GuidanceResources is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
These are two ways to access your GuidanceResource benefits:
- Call 844.393.4983. You'll speak to a counseling professional who will listen to your concerns and can guide you to the appropriate services you require.
- Visit GuidanceResources Online at and enter your company ID: UMASS
Featured Flyers for March
Mass4You (GIC Employee Assistance Program)
Access critical incident debriefing services at no cost. Managers and supervisors can also receive confidential supervisory training, resource recommendations, and customized seminars for dealing with work place issues.
Membership in Massachusetts State Employee Retirement System (MSERS) is automatic upon hire and mandatory for all benefited, full-time employees or those working at least half-time with benefits. The MSERS plan is a defined benefit plan that gives you a guaranteed, predictable income upon retirement, provided that you have at least 10 years of full-time service. However, in lieu of MSERS, employees who are in a non-unit professional position also have the option of enrolling into the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) which is a defined contribution plan, administered by the Department of Higher Education. Upon hire, you will automatically be enrolled into MSERS. During your 180-day election period, if you chose to enroll in the ORP, your monies can be rolled over from MSERS to the ORP plan (provided that the MSERS Refund-Rollover Form is completed and submitted). Whichever plan you elect, your decision is irrevocable. Consequently, it is very important that you use the 180-day Election Period to learn about the features and benefits of both plans, and how well they match your personal financial and professional plans.
Massachusetts State Employee Retirement System (MSERS)
The Massachusetts State Employees Retirement System (MSERS) is a defined benefit plan in lieu of Social Security. New hires (full-time and part-time benefited) are defaulted into MSERS as the mandatory retirement plan. New employees contribute 9% of salary and an additional 2% of salary over $30,000 up to 64% of the IRS compensation limit. These employee contributions are Federal tax-deferred. 1.45% is deducted for the Medicare portion of Social Security. New employees who entered state service before April 2, 2012 are eligible for a pension upon retirement at age 55 with 10 years of creditable service. Those who entered state service after April 2, 2012 are eligible for a pension at age 60 with 10 years of creditable service. State employees are eligible for a pension at any age with 20 years of creditable service.
Retirement Percentage Charts
- For employees hired prior to 4/2/2012: Retirement Percentage Chart
- For employees hired on or after 4/2/2012: Percentage Chart On or Post 4-2-2012
- State Retirement Plan
Members can calculate their own retirement benefit estimate using the above Retirement Percentage Chart. Information on how benefits are calculated can be found in the MSERS Retirement Benefit Guide.
To estimate retirement benefits, go to the State Board of Retirement Calculator.
To determine your classification group, please go to M.G.L. c.32.
For further information regarding pension estimates, please call the State Retirement Board at (617) 367-7770; 1-800-392-6014 (In MA Only)
Optional Retirement Program (ORP)
Professional, benefitted employees have the option to enroll in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) which is administered by the Department of Higher Education. The ORP program is a defined contribution plan.
The ORP is an alternative to the MSERS that provides flexible and portable pension benefits for Faculty and Professional Staff at the Commonwealth's public institutions of higher education.
To be eligible for the ORP Program:
- Participants must meet the minimum workload requirement: The workload for eligibility is the standard "Chapter 32" definition: generally, 50% FTE. This is the same as the workload requirement for the MSERS.
- Participants must not be vested in MSERS (fewer than ten years of creditable service).
Tools to Help You Decide
Use the Comparison of Key Features between ORP and MSERS on the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education website. Visit the GIC ORP Program page for more information.
Mandatory OBRA
Certain part-time, seasonal or temporary employees of the University are required to participate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deferred Compensation Plan ("OBRA Plan") as an alternative to the Old Age, Survivors and Disability Income portion of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The OBRA Plan is permitted by the federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. As an OBRA employee, you must contribute 7.5% of your gross compensation per pay period to the plan. You may elect from the investment options available within the OBRA plan. You may also make additional voluntary contributions to the plan. Voluntary contributions may be invested in any of the plan's available investment options.
For information on the OBRA plan please contact your benefits office or call the Smart Plan at 877-457-1900 or visit the Mass Smart website.
The University is no longer required to automatically provide you with the Form 1095-C, which gives information about your health insurance coverage for the tax year. If you wish, you may access the form by logging into HR Direct/Employee Self Service and clicking on View Form 1095-C.
To request a copy of your Form 1095-C, please contact us via any of the following options:
Mailing Address: UMass President's Office, 50 Washington Street, Suite 3000, Westborough, MA 01581, ATTN: Human Resources/Benefits
- Phone Number: 774-528-0369
We will furnish you with a copy of Form 1095-C via secure email within 30 days of receiving your request.
Important: Form 1095-C is not required for tax purposes. With the elimination of the individual mandate, the ACA Form 1095-C is for information purposes only. IRS does not require taxpayers to include it with their tax returns.
The Frequently Asked Questions documents below provide additional information about the 1095-C and the 1095-B to provide a better understanding of the forms and what to do if/when you receive one.
- Commonwealth Of Massachusetts 1095-C Frequently Asked Questions For Employees
- Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
The 1095-C form uses a set of codes to determine what kind of coverage was offered and whether it was affordable. The following are the codes generally used by the Commonwealth:
1E | Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to you and minimum essential coverage offered to your dependent(s) and spouse. | 2C | Employee enrolled in coverage offered |
2H | Section 4980H affordability rate of pay safe harbor. | ||
1H | No offer of coverage (you were NOT offered any health coverage or you were offered coverage that is NOT minimum essential coverage). All months are populated including months prior to hire or after termination. | 2A | Employee Not Employed during the month |
2B | Employee not a full-time employee | ||
2D | Employee is a section 4980H(b) Limited Non-Assessment Period. |
For box 15, ACA requires that the value listed will be the Employee Share of Lowest Cost Monthly Premium, for Self-Only Minimum Value Coverage, and that amount is displayed from the plans offered to you, based on your home Zip Code, whether or not it was the plan you chose.
Part III of the 1095-C form will be blank for all employees. Proof of Enrollment will be on separate form 1099-HC issued by your health insurance provider.
You can find more information about these IRS Forms and the filing of your Tax Return on the IRS website.
If you have questions about your 1095-C or believe you should have received one but did not, please email or contact your campus HR office.
Please note that the 1095-C Form does not replace the MA 1099-HC which is used for Massachusetts state taxes. You will still receive the MA 1099-HC form from your health insurance carrier and should contact them if you do not receive it or have questions about it.
Tuition Discount Benefits
As described below, the University offers tuition discounts at the UMass campuses in the form of Student Tuition Credits to University Employees and retirees, and the Spouses and Dependent Children of University Employees, retirees, and certain deceased University Employees.
These Tuition Discount Administrative Standards implement Paragraph IV of the Policy on Tuition Waivers (T96--129) and codifies and regularizes certain practices and procedures, including those former waivers that had been collectively bargained. See M.G.L. c. 75, 1B(f).
These standards apply to all members of the University community, except where any discount or other benefit contained in a collective bargaining agreement may be more favorable. See M.G.L. c. 150E, 7(d).
Each campus and the President's Office is responsible for developing procedures to process requests for the Student Tuition Credits described in these Standards.
Student Tuition Credits
For continuing education classes taken at UMass campuses, tuition credit is offered at 50% to eligible employees.
A terminated University Employee (or the Spouse or Dependent Child of a Terminated University Employee) may complete a semester or course for which a Student Tuition Credit was previously applied.
Tuition Credit Benefit Chart for UMass Campuses
Relationship to University | Course Type | Percentage Covered | Eligibility Clause |
Current/Active University Employees | Undergraduate and Graduate Courses or Programs | 100%* | Part-time University Employees are eligible for up to seven (7) credits per semester. |
Retired University Employees | Undergraduate and Graduate Courses or Programs | 100% | One (1) program of study. |
Spouses and Dependent Children of Current/Active University Employees | Graduate Courses or Programs | 20% | |
Spouses and Dependent Children of Current/Active University Employees - University Employee w/ 2+ FTE Years of Service | Undergraduate Courses or Programs | 60% | |
Spouses and Dependent Children of Current/Active University Employees - University Employee w/ < 2 FTE Years of Service | Undergraduate Courses or Programs | 15% | |
Spouses and Dependent Children of Retired University Employees | Undergraduate Courses or Programs | 60% | One (1) program of study; undergraduate only |
Spouses and Dependent Children of Deceased University Employees | Undergraduate Courses or Programs | 60% | With at least five (5) years of FTE University Service; one (1) program of study; undergraduate only |
Note: All fees, books and other course materials are the responsibility of the employee/student.
*100% tuition credit benefit for day division courses. Evening and online courses receive a tuition credit benefit of 50%.
Please review the Tuition Discount Administrative Standards for more information.
Tuition Discount Benefit at State Colleges and State Universities (non-UMass)
Employees with six (6) months or more of full-time benefited service (or equivalent benefited part-time service), their spouses and dependent children, who are enrolled in a full-time state supported program at any Massachusetts university (non-UMass) or community college, are eligible for tuition discount benefits. If you are enrolled in courses through the Division of Continuing Education, the tuition discount benefit is 50%. Please check with the other Massachusetts public college's student financial services or bursar's office for the tuition discount benefits which might be available.
Forms and Other Information
All forms should be completed and sent to the Human Resources Office for approval. Forms should be emailed to The form will be completed, signed and emailed back to you. You may then submit the completed form to the Bursar's Office at the student's school to receive the appropriate tuition discount benefit.